Tag: IPM

Day 5 of NIAP Week: Treating Pest Problems

Today is the final day of National Inspect and Protect Week. So far this week, we’ve covered all but the final step of the INSPECT (INvestigate, Study, Prepare, Eliminate, Clean, and Treat) process. Today we’re going to share more about how to treat and manage your pest problems. The INSPECT process is a comprehensive method that works best when all … Continued

Spotlight: Western Subterranean Termite

(Reticulitermes hesperus) Written by: Robin L. Tabuchi, Research Entomologist, University of California, Berkeley. Imagine you are buying a house and it’s time for the pest management professional (PMP) to conduct an inspection. When you get the report, you are disappointed to learn the house has subterranean termites. You are now reconsidering the purchase and anxiously … Continued

Connecticut Considers IPM Legislation

The Connecticut State Legislature is currently considering House Bill 5418, a bill that would implement an integrated pest management (IPM) program in Connecticut schools. The bill would ensure the necessary control of harmful pests on school grounds, and provide children with a safe learning environment. Opponents of the bill have been active in attempts to … Continued

IPM 101: Pest Management in Schools

Dr. John Stier, Environmental Turfgrass Extension Specialist, Professor and Chair of the Dept. Horticulture-University of Wisconsin, Madison. As schools begin their “spring” semesters (in unusually cold temperatures in many places), administrations will begin preparing for warmer weather and the many bugs and creatures that come to life with it. Many schools use Integrated Pest Management to protect … Continued

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