Debugging the Myths in Concord, New Hampshire

Last spring, author Raymond Bial wrote a book, What’s Bugging You?, that teaches children the differences between good and bad bugs and helpful or potentially harmful plants. While reading the book, children learn how to become “pest detectives” around their homes and yards. Ray traveled around the state of New York, visiting elementary schools in Buffalo, Albany, and White Plains and teaching students about the different pests in the area and the harm they can cause.

Last week, Ray hit the road again– this time visiting Concord, NH. He spoke to several elementary schools and the local Boys & Girls Club, focusing on tick control and Lyme disease. With spring here and summer approaching, the tick population is rapidly growing, especially in New Hampshire. Ticks are known to carry Lyme disease, making it important to teach children how to identify ticks, tick bites, and how to protect themselves from these pesky pests.

While at the schools and club house, Ray starts his presentation by asking kids what their favorite subjects in schools are. Whether writing and language, science, or art, all the subjects help when writing a book. He discusses what a theme is and the role  imagery can play in a children’s book. He then discusses several pests, the most commonly found throughout the area, and explains why these pests, or weeds, can cause harm.

Teachers were given lesson plans so they could continue the pest investigation with students in the classroom. Overall, the students really enjoyed learning about pests and will be prepared as tick and Lyme disease numbers increase this summer.

If you would like to download the lesson plan online and download or order copies of the book, click here.

Categories: Health Pest Management Pets Schools/Education Uncategorized
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