The Florida State Senate is considering a bill (Senate Bill 382), which would limit the authority of individual municipalities to ban the sale of lawn and landscape fertilizers. This is an opportunity for Florida to pass science-based urban fertilizer regulation, and prevent localities from passing fertilizer bans not backed by science, such as the one in Pinellas County.
The bill would revise language in the Model Ordinance for Florida-Friendly Fertilizer Use on Urban Landscapes. The revision would prevent local governments from adopting more stringent restrictions without demonstrating a need through a comprehensive, science-based program.
If you are a Florida resident, contact your Senator and support this legislation. This is an opportunity to protect your ability to care for your home and lawn, which helps protect your property’s value and the environment.
Be sure to spread the word – share this information with friends, family, colleagues, or neighbors. Take action now by sending an e-mail to your state senator.