Day 4: Clean

Today, we are going to explore how to keep your house clean to ensure your home is consistently pest-free. Even the cleanest homes might occasionally encounter pest problems, but simple, frequent cleaning can greatly reduce the chances of pest invasions. Insects and other critters will happily make themselves at home wherever there is food and … Continued

Day 3: Eliminate

You have investigated your home and have studied and prepared for applying appropriate solutions to the problems you encountered. Now it is time for you to ensure a safe and healthy home by eliminating entry ways for any pest problems you may have. Pests like mice, spiders, and ants seek places that fill their basic … Continued

Day 1: Investigate

As we nestle in to the warmth and comfort of our homes this fall and winter season, remember that pests are also looking for a warm and safe place to spend the winter. Don’t let your home become a haven for unwanted roommates. As the cooler weather approaches, you can keep a safe, pest-free home … Continued

2011 Inspect and Protect Week is October 3-7

Debug the Myths and RISE announce the second annual National Inspect and Protect Week, October 3-7, a week dedicated to helping homeowners better understand how to protect their homes, lawns and communities from insects, rodents and weeds that cause health problems and property damage. Leading up to National Inspect and Protect Week, our blog will … Continued

Keep your pets happy and healthy-the importance of a pest free environment

Melissa Brookshire, DVM, runs North River Enterprises and provides consulting services on pet food and animal health companies while balancing her life as a mom of two active boys. A graduate of the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine, Melissa owned and operated a multi-species veterinary hospital with her husband before starting her consulting … Continued

IPM 101: Pest Management in Schools

Dr. John Stier, Environmental Turfgrass Extension Specialist, Professor and Chair of the Dept. Horticulture-University of Wisconsin, Madison. As schools begin their “spring” semesters (in unusually cold temperatures in many places), administrations will begin preparing for warmer weather and the many bugs and creatures that come to life with it. Many schools use Integrated Pest Management to protect … Continued

What about pruning your trees and shrubs during winter?

Cathie Lavis is a professor of horticulture at Kansas State University. Her expertise includes landscaping, arboriculture, irrigation, and landscape contracting. She provides insight for homeowners and gardeners on plant care, selection, and more. Although the removal of dead, damaged or diseased branches and stems can be done anytime during the year, there are better times … Continued

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