Category: Health

Don’t Let Creepy Crawlies Give You the Heebie-Jeebies this Halloween

With Halloween just around the corner, many of us will be looking for spooky decorations for our home.  Halloween favorites include the traditional spiders and cobwebs, rats, bats and more, but while these plastic decorations welcome trick-or-treaters and show holiday spirit, the real pests aren’t so welcoming. Just as trick-or-treaters will flock to your door … Continued

Day 5: Treat!

Today is the last day of National Inspect and Protect Week, so it’s time to treat for any problems you’ve found and to be ready for any future problems. In order for the INSPECT acronym to most effectively help you solve your pest problems, all of the steps must work together. For example, if you … Continued

Day 4: Clean!

Today is Thursday, and that means it is time to clean your home — not the deep cleaning you instantly dread, but putting away and throwing away clutter. Pests need three things to survive: food, water, and a place to live. If you can control access to food around the home and eliminate standing water, … Continued

Day 3: Eliminate

In the investigate step, we discussed the many ways and reasons that pests could enter your home or inhabit your lawn and garden, and now, after studying and preparing, it is time to eliminate the problems you may have identified. Pests need three things to survive: food, water, and a place to live.  While you … Continued

Day 2: Study and Prepare

After investigating your home for potential pest problems, this next step is all about arming yourself with knowledge about the problems you have identified.  Here, you will want to study the problems you found while investigating and prepare to solve those problems. . By studying and preparing, you’re not only learning about the pests in … Continued

Day 1: Investigate!

As temperatures start to cool, many of us will look for more excuses to spend time inside.  But while we are enjoying the comfort of our warm homes this fall and winter, pests will be on the prowl for a cozy place to escape the cold.  By following the I.N.S.P.E.C.T. process, you can ensure that … Continued

Ticks Bite Close to Home

Unlike mosquitoes, who are large enough and loud enough to be noticed, ticks are significantly less obvious but often just as dangerous. People who are familiar with tick problems are used to checking for the pests after hiking or camping, but a recent Wall Street Journal article revealed that the majority of tick bites happen … Continued

Protecting Your Family From Mosquitoes

Thanks to significantly soggy weather in the Great Plains and Midwest, mosquito populations in those areas are predicted to soar. Wet weather give mosquitoes plenty of the water they need to thrive and creates numerous opportunities for them to breed. Due to the serious diseases mosquitoes can carry and the annoyance of discomfort from their … Continued

New Website: Drs4Pets

Melissa Brookshire, DVM, runs North River Enterprises and provides consulting services on pet food and animal health companies while balancing her life as a mom of two active boys. A graduate of the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine, Melissa owned and operated a multi-species veterinary hospital with her husband before starting her consulting … Continued

Real Simple’s Guide to Bugs

Real Simple recently wrote an article titled “Bug-Repelling Basics-Protect yourself with this guide to outsmarting the biggest buzz kills.” It highlighted important tips when it comes to pest control and reminded us that it’s important to understand your enemy. Take the time to learn about where bugs lurk, what they love, and how you can … Continued

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